Step into your sacred power
Sacred Power is for you if you are a:
you have a vision for a better world and are restless with a deep knowing that you are meant to help create it.
Change Maker:
You are called to lead lasting change, beginning with becoming the bravest, truest version of yourself.
You seek a life of deeper meaning, purpose, and joy.
You are willing to do the work, knowing the magic that’s available on the other side.
My Approach
Power: A Reclamation.
Through this work, I aim to lead a movement that reclaims the word “power” from selfishness and greed to instead, the type of power that is needed to heal our world: a power rooted in divinity, integrity, and spirit-led action. In sum, a power rooted in love.
Imagine what would change in your life – personally, professionally, financially, relationally – if you stepped into your true, authentic, sacred power. Envision how radically free you would feel if speaking your truth with power and conviction became your new norm. The times are too urgent to keep playing small. Allow me to be your visionary guide in becoming the truest, bravest version of yourself – the version of you who knows in her core that all of her gifts are being used to the fullest.
If you’re drawn to this work, you feel the urge to step beyond the shallows and instead, go deep. I feel it too. That’s why I only work with a select few number of leaders with exceptional intellect and exceptional heart. That’s my purpose here on earth, and I’d love to help you step into your own purpose and power with the same level of clarity and conviction.
Are you ready to answer this calling of your soul?
Current Offerings
A four-month journey to step into, embody and live your true, authentic power.
After working with hundreds of leaders through my consulting, facilitation, and coaching work over the last twenty years, here’s what I know to be true: the true magic comes when all parts of our being – mind, body, and soul – come fully alive in the service of our highest calling. This four-month program contains the best of all I know around change and transformation. It bridges intellect and heart, through insights from the Science of Improvement and the psychology of change. Over the last year, I have developed the Sacred Power Framework, which includes the following elements:
Here’s what this will look like in action:
We will spend one month exploring each of these aspects of Sacred Power
embracing our shadow
We all have a shadow side that many of us would rather hide from the world. This “selective positioning” of ourselves may have served us well in our past, but it keeps us in bondage and away from what we most long for now: authenticity and freedom to be truly ourselves. The extent to which we can embrace our shadow is the extent to which we can shine our light, so we spend our first month facing our inner dragons… for they are actually guarding our heart’s biggest treasure.
reverence for our gifts
After facing and befriending our inner dragons in Month 1, Month 2 is all about claiming the treasures these dragons have been guarding all along: our true selves and our divine-given gifts. One of the most profound prayers I’ve ever come across is this: “Please show me the truth of who I am, no matter how beautiful that is.” This month, we lean into reverence for our gifts. Wherever we were told we were “too much” growing up lies our true strengths and superpowers.
letting our light shine
The word “integrity” has two meanings: one rests in architecture and means “whole”. This month, we put our shadows and our gifts together into the wholeness of who we really are. Then we work with the second definition of “integrity”, which is alignment in our thoughts, feelings, and actions. Our job becomes very straight-forward: we learn to stop blocking our light, which is our soul’s truest expression of who we’re meant to be.
unleashing our soul’s gift to the world
In the final month of our work together, we remember our wings and take flight. We meet our future self, explore the legacy we want to leave, and define success on our own terms. We learn to be more loyal to our soul’s vision than to external expectations, build our community of support, and set scaffolding to make this work sustainable and enable greater ease, grace, and joy across all elements in our life.
Ready to learn more?
Book a discovery session and fill out the application to see if we’re a good fit!