If you’re ready to answer your soul’s highest calling, I’m so glad you’re here… because the world is longing for more true leaders.
I believe there’s no such thing as coincidence.
You’ve found your way here because you’re done dimming your light and playing small. Instead, you’re ready to find your purpose, step into your power, and play a bigger game – in your life and in the world.
This thrills me, because my own purpose is to light the fire of a thousand suns by helping leaders, coaches, and visionaries like you step into your true power, in order for us to heal our world, together.
Let’s Connect
Let’s connect over the phone to explore how we might collaborate and how I can support your vision. In this 30-minute private discovery call we will:
Clarify your leadership desires, including your vision and what may be holding you back
Explore how having an executive coach can be the game-changing key to your professional and personal success, breaking free of habits that keep you playing small, like people-pleasing, hustling for approval and dimming your light for other people’s comfort
Outline a clear and empowering process to access your unique gifts and lead from your mind, body, and spirit
And if I’m confident I can help you achieve the results you desire, I’ll answer all of your questions about working together and introduce you to my signature SACRED POWER program to find your purpose and step into your power
While I normally charge $250 for a half-hour coaching session, this Discovery Session is free to all qualifying applicants. As a leader, your time is valuable. So is mine. That’s why I offer this Discovery Session as a zero-commitment way to see if we’re the right fit for one another. Once you book a Discovery Session, make sure to fill out the application questions, adding anything else you’d like me to know. If we’re meant to co-conspire, we’ll know on the call. If not, I’d be happy to point you to other resources I’ve found invaluable in my own journey.